Your Type and Your Career ISTP reserved realistic adaptable Understanding your preferences as an...
Career Change Test
Exploring How Who You Are Defines What You Do
Understanding yourself is a vital piece of the jigsaw when exploring your career change.
You may already have looked at the skills you have developed, your core values, your interests and passions and your achievements in and out of work.
Personality is another important element in the career self assessment process and it is often overlooked.
In particular, I recommend that you take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator®assessment. This is a personality assessment tool which I have used many times with clients and the majority have found the results invaluable in reviewing their career direction.
The MBTI Indicator® is a well established personality assessment that suggests we all have differing underlying preferences in the way we take in information and make decisions and in how and where we focus our attention. No one preference is 'better' than another – they are just different.
The preferences fall into 4 categories with two broad options in each. Although we can all adopt any of these approaches in different circumstances, we have a natural preference for one or the other and will feel more at ease using that way of behaving. This also means you will feel more at ease in some jobs than in others according to what the job requires you to do.
Know your type already? Click here to move on to a description of each type.
Take A Personality Test
Below I have created a simple career change test that looks at your personality preferences.
This career change test will only take a few minutes.
Look at the tables below and consider which side of each pair seems more 'right' to you. Think about how you would prefer to be or behave when you are relaxed and able to just be yourself. Choose one of each pair, and you will end up with a 4 letter code such as ENFJ or ISTP.
Pair One – Where do you direct your energy?
Extrovert (E) | Introvert (I) |
Outgoing | Like quiet time to yourself |
Talkative | Reserved and contained |
Have a wide range of interests | Have a few in depth interests |
Learn best through doing or talking | Learn best if you have time to think and reflect |
Act first, think second | Think first, act second |
Prefer a public role | Prefer a behind the scenes role |
People usually energise you | People can drain you |
Energetic | Calm |
Move and think at a fast pace | Move and think in a measured way |
Which feels more like you - E or I?
Pair Two – How do you focus on and handle information?
Sensing (S) | Intuition (N) |
Practical | Enjoy exploring possibilities |
Prefer to take things step by step | Prefer to just jump in anywhere |
Focus on the present | Focus on the future |
Like things to be concrete and factual | Like creative, big picture thinking |
Trust experience | Trust intuition |
Like to use established skills | Like to learn new skills |
Concrete ideas | Abstract ideas |
Specific evidence | Broad issues |
Feet on the ground | Head in the clouds |
Which feels more like you - S or N?
Pair Three – How do you make decisions?
Thinking (T) | Feeling (F) |
Head rules heart | Heart rules head |
Logical and analytical | Empathic |
Focus on doing what is right | Focus on maintaining harmony |
Tough minded | Tender hearted |
Concerned with truth and justice | Concerned with people and relationships |
Honest and direct | Tactful and diplomatic |
Brief and to the point | Sociable and inclusive |
Objectively critical | Warmly appreciative |
Driven by principles | Driven by values |
Which feels more like you - T or F?
Pair Four – How do you like to live your life?
Judging (J) | Perceiving (P) |
Planful | Spontaneous |
Likes decisions and closure | Likes to keep options open |
Finds structure helpful | Find structure inhibiting |
Systematic | Casual |
Dislikes last minute rush | Is energised by a last minute rush |
Work first, play later | Play first, work later |
Like to know what is happening | Enjoys changes and surprises |
Defines goals and works to them | Defines goals and then adapts them |
Enjoys completing projects | Enjoys starting projects |
Which feels more like you - J or P?
Completing the career change test should give you a set of four letters, one from each pair, such as ENFP or ISFJ. Make a note of the set of 4 letters that seem to best apply to you.
What do the individual preferences mean?
Take a look at the individual preferences (or letters) you have identified. This will give you a flavour of what these preferences indicate in terms of your personal style and can suggest the kind of work situations that are likely to feel more comfortable for you and others with these preferences.
Do you think you are:
Your whole type
Then you should move on to explore your complete personality type. The four preferences you have identified all work together to create a particular mix of strengths, behaviours and challenges.
Click on the personality type you have identified in the grid below to read more about your type and career.
If you are uncertain about your type - for example, you may be unsure if you are ISFJ or ISFP - then look at both and see which feels more like you. If you are still unsure, just observe yourself over the next few weeks and months and a pattern will probably begin to emerge
Be aware that this is just a simple personality test and is in no way the same as taking a properly researched and validated personality assessment. But even a simple career change test like the one here can give you new insights into what kind of work may suit you.
Make a note in your Career Change Project File of the ideas and insights you get from this career change test and from reading about MBTI Indicator®.
MBTI, Myers-Briggs and Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
are trademarks or registered trademarks of the MBTI Trust, Inc.
Linking your personality and your career
Want to know more about how your personality type can help you to choose the right career?
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