Another great video from Nic Askew Are you the Horse or the Rider in your life? This question is...
The Five Minute Career Coach
Tips and Tactics for Career Changers
The Five Minute Career Coach has been especially created to complement the information and ideas in this website.
How To Change Careers was born because I wanted to share the tips, ideas and experience I have gained over the years with as many people as possible.
I have worked in the careers field for over 20 years now and I have seen how people struggle to break away from the dreary jobs they feel trapped in.
I have coached many clients through the career change and career choice process and I wish I could individually coach all the visitors to my website too!
At the last count, that included people from over 120 different countries, so that might be a bit of a stretch!
The Five Minute Career Coach is the next best thing.
Here’s how it can help you:
- A regular flow of tips, techniques and strategies to help you through the career change process
- Useful careers information about possible options for career changer
- Details of resources that may help you with your career change
- A gentle nudge to keep you focused and motivated to ensure that you see your career change through!
You could think of it as a kind of virtual career coach to help keep you on target!
If you think you could use some ongoing help, support and encouragement with your career change, just sign up below.
The Five Minute Career Coach will provide you with a regular input of ideas and information, so if you find your motivation beginning to slip, I hope it will offer a regular 'shot in the arm' to keep you going till you reach your goal.
An Extra Thank You
As a thank you for subscribing to my free newsletter, I'd like to offer you a copy of my Career Change Blueprint. This is a simple, 5 stage process to help you make sure your career change is a success. It is absolutely free.
For both the 5 Minute Career Coach AND the Career Change Blueprint

You will also get 5 mp3 downloads of the Career Change Blueprint so you can listen and learn.
All of this adds to the ideas and strategies I have shared in my website and I hope it will support you in making the career change you know you need.
When you fill in the form, you will receive a confirmation email. It will ask you to confirm that you want to receive the newsletter. This confirmation step is for your protection and ensures it is really you who submitted your email address.
Once you have confirmed, you will receive a further email that includes a link where you can download your free ebook.
So why wait? Fill in your details to receive:
- The Five Minute Career Coach
- The Career Change Blueprint Guide
- 5 Career Change Blueprint Audio downloads
I look forward to hearing from you!
With best wishes for your career change success
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