How To Be Confident I Am Choosing The Right Job

by Jacqui

I think that I lack the confidence to do what I really want to. How do I find the right job?

Comments for How To Be Confident I Am Choosing The Right Job

Being confident about choosing the right job

by: Cherry 

Two elements in your question jumped out at me.

First of all, you talk about being unsure that you have the confidence to do what you really want. This suggests to me that you already know what you want to do in terms of a career change – it just feels like too big a stretch for you. What is it? What is your dream? What do you really want to do? Allow yourself to explore that dream. Imagine that a good friend came to you asking for help with achieving the same career goal – what would be the first steps she would need to take? What information would she need to gather? What additional training might she need? Who could she talk to who already does that job so she could get an insight into what is involved?

Or is it that you find it hard to give yourself permission’ to do what you really want? What are the underlying beliefs that are stopping you? Have you got an unspoken ‘rule’ in your head that says work should be hard, that you can never earn a living doing what you love or that somehow you are not good enough or don’t deserve to do what you want? If this is the case then it is time to challenge those ‘rules. Where do they come from? Who gave you the rules? Are they true and valid in your current situation? What more helpful thoughts and beliefs could you adopt instead? Take a look at this article on overcoming self doubt for more tips on this.

Secondly, you say you think you lack the confidence. In other words, you are not absolutely certain that you do not have the confidence and that means that there is the possibility that you do have the confidence. So if you were more confident about it, what would you be doing and saying? What would people notice about your behaviour that was different? Build up a picture of the ‘confident you’ then you can begin to practise some of those confident behaviours.

Confidence is definitely something you can learn and the more often you try out the positive thoughts and behaviours the more your confidence will grow. Just build up slowly, doing small things to stretch yourself and gradually you will find you have the courage to do more. If you want to access more help on confidence issues, then take a look at the Confidence World website ( It is a great resource of materials on confidence building and they offer a free 21 day ecourse too.

About the author

Amy Thomas

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