It can reveal a lot! This might seem like an odd question, but it is an exercise I have done myself...
Need Some Time Out?
Create a quiet space in your life I was talking to a friend last week and she was telling me how...
The 5 Minute Career Coach
Helping Career Changers Around The World March 2013 Are you a Natural Entrepreneur? Browsing on the...
Is There Another Way?
Business does not have to be brutal I don’t know about you, but sometimes when I hear the stories...
The 5 Minute Career Coach
Your Feedback Thank you for signing up for my newsletter, The 5 Minute Career Coach. I hope you...
You Matter Most
So start by getting to know yourself Realising that you matter most is not self centred or...
Who Will You Be?
You get to choose – starting from today! Who will you be – it’s up to you...
What Skills Have You Got To Offer?
Preparing to answer that classic interview question ‘So what skills have you got to offer us?’ This...
The 5 Minute Career Coach
Helping Career Changers Around The World June 2013 Passive income…why not? What is your gut...
Do You Hate New Year’s Resolutions?
Read on to try a new approach Yes, I know. It’s that time of year again. New Year’s Resolutions...